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Who told you that???

I have a very incredible daughter in law and I have learned soooo much from her... A few years ago my oldest grandson told her he couldn't do which she asked him "Who told you that???" It absolutely struck me and has stuck with me.

As I have moved through my own health and wellness journey, that has taken me through physical, mental and emotional changes as well as trauma, covid, grandbabies being born, a new relationship, and so much more ... well you get the picture...LIFE, this question has been so important for me.

A friend commented the other day that she has no control when it comes to food. I just sat and listened but I didn't ask her this question... "Who told you that???"

Food has been there for me and has been a comforter and a friend. A way to deal with my emotions rather than a nourisher and a healer. Food is meant to be enjoyed but not abused and I have suffered the consequences of putting it somewhere it should not be in my life.

So when I heard my friend make this statement, that struck so close to home for me.... I was challenged in my own thinking. I struggle greatly with being emotionally honest, first and most importantly with myself and because of that with those around me. I have used food to push those emotions deep down inside so I don't have to deal with them.

This leads me to my point. What are the things that are holding you back in your life and how does self talk contribute? It's huge for me. I can get into a place that can be very dark. I am very good at telling myself horrible things. And I believe them. I would never talk to anyone else the way I talk to myself. Which begs the question... "Who told you that???"

Society is very good at telling us things about ourselves that just are not true. What physical beauty is, what we should think, eat, wear, believe about ourselves and if we buy into it ... well, frankly it can destroy us. We are all uniquely made, we look, think, feel, dream, work, play, respond, live differently and that's beautiful.

I love the quote by Topher Kearby "Some of us are sunshine, others are rain, and some are soil. because we are meant to live in community - helping each other grow with our unique gifts."

The next time you say something negative, derogatory, demeaning or downright abusive to yourself, pause and ask yourself "Who told you that?" and then tell yourself the truth instead. You are amazing and you deserve that .... no doubt about it!

"For You created my innermost parts;

You wove me in my mother’s womb.

I will give thanks to You, because I am awesomely and wonderfully made;

Wonderful are Your works,

And my soul knows it very well."

Psalms 139:13,14

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댓글 2개

2022년 8월 06일

Beautifully said. I struggle with so many of those same things and this gives a fresh perspective.

Charene Sutherland
Charene Sutherland
2022년 8월 06일
답글 상대:

Sometimes we just need to take those thoughts captive…. Shut them down and speak life and truth to ourselves…. You are amazing and beautiful and strong and intelligent and capable and so so much more…. That’s the truth! Thanks for checking in!

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