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28 Days of... 

Pick 3

This Challenge will be different in the way that, after we finish the no sugar portion of the challenge, I will not be posting about what we are working on. I will be responding and posting based on what I see happening in the group. 
I will be asking for all of us to be encouraging, offering suggestions for strategies and cheerleading each other as we seek to get back to the things that we know will help us to level up and get to a better place before we hit Christmas!
And sooooo.... that is the answer! 
We all have different needs and being the intelligent and self aware beings that we are... we know what will serve us best and what actions will give us the most bang for our buck ... if you please!
So start thinking about your 3.... the great thing is... no need to pick right now. I will be suggesting some and hope that you will all do the same!

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