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Hello December 2020!

Good Tuesday Dec. 1, 2020 Morning to you!

So how are you feeling going into December?

I am going to start with what I am thankful for...

🙌 The weather is amazing!

🙌 I'm very excited about the Healthy Holidays Challenge!

🙌 I am thankful for Stevia!

🙌 I am so enjoying baking and for sweet Christmas memories

Now what are the challenges. For me right now it's fear.... fear of the uncertain, fear of failure personally and professionally, fear of regression in my personal journey and quest for health and wellness in every way. Fear of the coming and present restrictions and what they may mean for Christmas. Fear of someone I love getting Covid and being a bad case of it.

Emotions are so easily engaged with but, for me, so often not actually the truth. Raw emotion, very often, leads me on a path to self destruction. I sometimes lash out, sometimes completely disengage, sometimes binge, sometimes waste copious amounts of time on all of the above.

This is where mindfulness and self awareness are key. How do I beat that and move through to the truth and some level of peace that I can operate out of?

Grounding is huge for me, recognizing early, making sure I am doing the things that are good for me consistently and sometimes that means forcing myself to do it. Very often this involves accountability and encouragement from those around me who know me best.

I am looking at December and feeling overwhelmed, fearful, angry, frustrated, joyful, peaceful, happy, fulfilled, lonesome, reflective, blessed, anyone else having this kind of confliction? Beauty and savagery....

How do we navigate this? TOGETHER!!....we need each other now more than ever. Reach out, stay connected, ask for help, laugh, bake, sleep, rest, read, sing, walk, run, lift, spin, stretch, stay hydrated, meal plan, prep healthy food, read the book of Luke, scream, pray, post... you get the picture! Healthy self care choices...keep looking in the mirror and see that you are worth those good and nourishing choices!

We can do this, we need to do this, we are worth doing this!

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