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Clear the Clutter

This has been and will be one of the most important self care lessons that I know to be true and, for me, also one of the hardest to practice! I can tell how cluttered and out out of balance I am personally, mentally by my bed room in particular but also just by general clutter around me! So what I have also learned is that if I want things become less chaotic in my life in my head and in every way it starts with cleaning my room and clearing the clutter. It’s shocking to me how cleaning my room can get that ball rolling and how much more productive and settled I become.... it’s just so interesting how something so simple and so practical can change things so dramatically for me. It’s also interesting to me that when I am struggling and I need to do it it’s soooo hard to do!! It becomes overwhelming... the parallels are so very telling!

so how about you today?

🔁What is the area of your life that becomes cluttered and is the one thing you can clear up that settles everything else?

🌸my bedroom... and I know that it starts with a cluttered mindset and leads to physical clutter but very often to clear the mindset clutter it starts with cleaning my room....

🔁When do you know it’s time to clear things up?

🌸 I always know way before I clear it up...

🔁How important is the result of clearing that clutter out of your life practically and mentally?

🌸 it’s huge for me and it immediately impacts every area of my life.

🔁Where do you need to start physically to impact yourself the most mentally?

🌸 Laundry and chair!

🔁Why? Why clear the clutter? Knowing why... will always give us what we need to move forward!

🌸 it’s interesting for me personally to see that when I get to the point of needing to do this... yet again that it is always precipitated by a moment of clarity in a whole other area.... my why has nothing to do with my room but I know that cleaning my room will help so much with my mindset and will actually give me the freedom... mentally... to get to the why....

🔁Who do you need to support you to at least get started with clearing the clutter?

🌸 for me there is always a who and it’s usually not someone that I need physically. It’s my coach or accountability partner, a family member... someone who has reminded me that I need to clear the clutter....

and yes I’m cleaning my room today... and it was followed by a conversation with a good friend, a moment of clarity, a why coming into focus and the knowledge that I have needed to do this for a while!

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